Friday, August 17, 2012

Technical Difficulties... Please stand by

[NoCashReq has entered the room.]

NO GOOD STINKIN ROTTEN BLASTER TWO TOED SON OF A HAIRLESS WOMBAT!  Oh, uh, hi there.  How long have you been standing there?  No matter, things are doing their best to get in the way here.  I had reported that my next review was going to be on Maplestory, but due to some as of yet unknown reason my computer will not download it.  So, in order to try and keep you ravening hordes outside my blog at bay and satiated, I will move on to one of the other games on my list: Stronghold Kingdoms.  Expect more soon!  Now where did I put that sledge.....

{NoCashReq has left the room.]

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