Thursday, October 25, 2012

I'm giving her all she's got Captain, she just cannna take the pressure!

[NoCashReq has entered the room.]

And yet again, I am forced to admit defeat.  Part of it is my total lack of motivation with virtually all RTS games, and partly it is the insane amount of time I have to spend at work, but I don't think the review for Age of Empires is going to happen right now.  Fear not, my fellow Budgeteers!  I will not quit!  They may take our lives, but they'll never take OUR FREE GAMES!  I will have a review for you soon!  It will be less-than-humble!  I WILL FORGE ON!  Just, not on Age of Empires.  For now, thanks for your readership, and keep looking for those missed diamonds of games that are out there!

[NoCashReq has left the room.]

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