Thursday, October 25, 2012

I'm giving her all she's got Captain, she just cannna take the pressure!

[NoCashReq has entered the room.]

And yet again, I am forced to admit defeat.  Part of it is my total lack of motivation with virtually all RTS games, and partly it is the insane amount of time I have to spend at work, but I don't think the review for Age of Empires is going to happen right now.  Fear not, my fellow Budgeteers!  I will not quit!  They may take our lives, but they'll never take OUR FREE GAMES!  I will have a review for you soon!  It will be less-than-humble!  I WILL FORGE ON!  Just, not on Age of Empires.  For now, thanks for your readership, and keep looking for those missed diamonds of games that are out there!

[NoCashReq has left the room.]

Friday, October 5, 2012

faster, Faster, FASTER WOULD BE BETTER!!!

[NoCashReq has entered the room.]

Alas and alack, my fellow gamers, I have failed you.  Due to a radical shift in my work requirements, a change in location, my son cutting several teeth at once, and the release of Torchlight II, I have lost all sense of responsibility and have not played Age of Empires for several weeks.  So it will be a little bit longer on the next review.  For all my readers, whether new or long time, I appreciate you choosing to spend your time with me, and would humbly ask for your patience.  For now, it's time to dig in and get back to the game!!! So expect a review soon, and keep your guard up!  Here there be Dragons!

[NoCashReq has left the room.]